

  • 剧情片巨人与小精灵的奇幻冒险(普通话版)

    主演:Aintzane Krujeiras Angel Alkain Joinaz Jáuregui Ramón Zalakain  


    简介:Every year, the elves e from his magical world to bring humans a new spring. Tim is a new one this year. Distracted by the attractive sound of the fair, he wanders away from the other elves, being captured by former trapeze artist Samuel, who brings him to Vladimir, owner of a circus who exploits him as a fairground attraction. Teresa, a naughty 6-year-old girl, is jealous of her little brother, baby Jon. When visiting the fair, she discovers Tim while he is being exhibited and she will bee infatuated with him. Tim, at the same time, will see in her an opportunity to escape. Hidden in Teresa's house and protected by her, they live several adventures, being inseparable friends. Over time, matching with the end of the spring, Tim begins to transform in a Little tree. He has been away from his world and his people for too long, and only by helping him to return will Tim be saved. There is no time to lose, but be careful: Vladimir is lurking.

  • 喜剧片Oh!我的幽灵鬼

    主演:Cris 苏达拉·布查蓬 

    导演:Puttipong Pormsaka Na-Sakonnakorn

    简介:凯蒂(苏达拉·布查蓬 Sudarat Butrprom 饰)性格天真开朗,单纯善良,但年近三十,却依旧形单影只,似乎与爱情无缘。凯蒂的心中有一个梦想,那就是上电视,为了完成这个梦想,凯蒂参加了达人秀,希望在节目中获胜,走上人生巅峰。 然而,让凯蒂怎么也想不到的是,一只半路杀出的鬼魂扰乱了自己全部的人生轨迹。鬼魂名叫阿碧(克丽丝·霍旺 Cris Horwang 饰),生前是一名人气超高的模特,她拥有着天使的面庞和魔鬼的身材,无奈英年早逝,肉身早早化为尘土,只剩灵魂飘摇在人世之中。阿碧缠上了凯蒂,拿她当仆人一般使唤,身份和个性都迥然不同的一人一鬼之间闹出了许多的笑料,却也产生了真挚的友谊。

  • 动漫巨人与小精灵的奇幻冒险(原声版)

    主演:Aintzane Krujeiras Angel Alkain Joinaz Jáuregui Ramón Zalakain 

    导演:Agurtzane Intxaurraga


  • 动作片花开时节2018

    主演:克里斯托弗·努登罗特 Lisa Henni Jesper Barkselius Pia Halvorsen 马格努斯·松德贝里 Krister Kern Karin Bertling Ulrika B?ckstr?m 亚力克桑杰·麦沃洛夫 Yngve Dahlberg H?kan Ehn Tarmo Sakari Hietala Niklas Jarneheim Arvin Kananian Lo 

    导演:Victor Danell

    简介:In Swedish film collective Crazy Pictures feature "Den blomstertid nu kommer" Sweden faces a mysterious attack while Alex tries to reunite with his youth love, Anna.

  • 恐怖片残酷

    主演:Katrina Grey 仁科贵 亚矢乃 Naho Nakashima Butch 



  • 日韩剧年老的鳄鱼

    主演:Peter Barakan 


    简介:古老的埃及,生活着一只活了上千年的鳄鱼。然而由于无法抗拒的衰老,他变得羸弱不堪,无法觅食,只得吃掉身边的家人。同伴们对他憎恨不已,却又无可奈何。伤心的老鳄鱼离开伙伴,又向大海。不久,他结识了一只自称有12条腿的章鱼,白天他们四处觅食,晚上则在某个堡礁上休憩。每到这个时候,老鳄鱼便难耐饥饿的折磨,偷偷吞掉章鱼的一条腿。未过多久,章鱼失去了最后一条腿,面临着悲惨的命运。老鳄鱼的命运又将如何…… 本片根据法国画家Léopold Chauveau的图画书《Le vieux crocodile》改编,并荣获第9回文化厅Media艺术节动画单元优秀奖、第11届广岛国际动画片电影节优秀奖。©豆瓣



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