

  • 欧美剧魂归故里第一季(法国)

    主演:安妮·康斯金尼 克洛蒂尔德·埃斯姆 席琳·赛莱 皮埃尔·派瑞尔 纪尧姆·谷伊 斯万·南博谭 珍娜·蒂亚姆 

    导演:Fabrice Gobert,弗雷德里克·默穆德

    简介:本剧根据2004年一部法国电影改编.   在一个被巨大水坝俯视的山城里,一天,几个不同年纪,来自不同地方的迷途之人寻找各自回家的路。   他们并没有意识到的是:他们已死去多年,却没有变老,也没有人等待他们的归来。   他们尝试着回到本应属于自己的生活。渐渐的,他们发现自己并不是唯一的回归者,他们的回归正对这个世界的秩序造成越来越大的干扰。或者说,这不过是一场更大动荡的序幕?(深影字幕组)

  • 剧情片安东契科夫的1890

    主演:尼古拉斯·吉劳德 洛丽塔·夏马 罗班松·斯泰弗南 贾克·鲍那非 珍娜·蒂亚姆 


    简介:  在1890年之前,作家契科夫(尼古拉斯·吉劳德 Nicolas Giraud 饰)创作的多为富有喜剧和讽刺色彩的轻松作品,他的作品因为诙谐幽默又浅显易懂,深受民众的喜爱,俄国科学院为了表彰他给世界带来的精神财富,将“普希金奖”颁发给了契科夫。  1890年,契科夫孤身一人跨越了千山万水,来到了库页岛,这里曾经是政治犯的流放地。库页岛上宛如人间地狱一般的景象深深的撼动了契科夫的内心,他开始意识到,在自己熟悉的世界之外,还有这么多人生活在苦难和贫穷之中。从此,契科夫一改文风,以库页岛之行作为素材,开始撰写揭露沙俄专制制度的作品。

  • 喜剧片绿色香水

    主演:桑德琳娜·基贝兰 文森特·拉科斯特 珍娜·蒂亚姆 吕迪格·福格勒 莱尼·西玛加 


    简介:  A famous french actor is poisoned and dies right in the middle of a play. Martin, an actor friend, is soon suspected by the police while being hunted by the mysterious organization which ordered the murder.

  • 剧情片巴黎必修课

    主演:Andranic Manet Gonzague Van Bervesseles 柯朗坦·菲拉 珍娜·蒂亚姆 索菲·费尔贝克 Nicolas Bouchaud 戴安·罗赛尔 Charlotte Van Bervesseles Valentine Catzeflis 


    简介:  Filled with expectations, Etienne moves to Paris from Lyon to study film directing at the Sorbonne. He leaves behind his girlfriend Lucie, promising to call her regularly via Skype. On his course he meets Jean-Noël and Mathias, they too have come to the metropolis from smaller cities and share his passion for cinema. Together they discuss the cinematic canon, read texts by Flaubert and Pasolini, and listen to Bach and Mahler. Jean-Noël proves to be an agreeable friend who tries to strengthen Etienne’s fragile self-confidence; Mathias, on the other hand, often comes across as stern, aloof and mysterious. Fond of arguing, he has a habit of disappearing for weeks on end without the others knowing where he is. Nobody gets to see his student film, either. Etienne is particularly crestfallen when he discovers by chance that Mathias shares a secret with Annabelle, an idealistic young woman who lives in Etienne’s shared flat and with whom he is secretly in love. Jean Paul Civeyrac’s tenderly melancholic black-and-white study of these young people’s encounter with art and life is at the same time a declaration of love for classic cinema and the city of Paris.



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