

  • 恐怖片变色龙

    主演:库伦·莫斯 Alicia Leigh Willis Samuel Whitehill Fernanda Hay 

    导演:Marcus Mizelle

    简介:Recently released ex con Patrick is unable to find a legitimate opportunity to get ahead and stumbles back into a life of crime when unpredictable Dolph, whom he owes for protection while in prison, pays him a visit. They begin a series of cons that involve seducing and kidnapping west LA trophy wives in order to extort money from their wealthy husbands. However, their latest victim Rebecca is not who she seems, threatening to ruin everything just when Patrick's had a change of heart and ready to call it quits.

  • 恐怖片变色龙2019

    主演:库伦·莫斯 Alicia Leigh Willis Samuel Whitehill Fernanda Hay Silvia Kal Joel Hogan Tom Alper 弗雷德里克·基夫 Marcus Mizelle 大卫·艾伦·格拉夫 Andrew Golov Brian Carroll Anette Puskas Tiana Whitley Acelina Kuchukova 

    导演:Marcus Mizelle

    简介:  Recently released ex con Patrick is unable to find a legitimate opportunity to get ahead and stumbles back into a life of crime when unpredictable Dolph, whom he owes for protection while in prison, pays him a visit. They begin a series of cons that involve seducing and kidnapping west LA trophy wives in order to extort money from their wealthy husbands. However, their latest victim Rebecca is not who she seems, threatening to ruin everything just when Patrick's had a change of heart and ready to call it quits.

  • 恐怖片茱利亚X3D

    主演:Valerie Azlynn 凯文·索伯 Alicia Leigh Willis 

    导演:P.J. Pettiette

    简介:接连一段时间内,数名女子遭到连环杀人犯的屠杀,每个人身上都被留下残忍的烙印,她们之间的共同点是都曾在网络聊天室与人交流约会,似乎有某个变态的男人利用虚拟空间实施惨无人道的罪行。这一天,名叫茱利亚(薇勒瑞·艾兹琳 Valerie Azlynn 饰)的女孩与一位陌生网友(凯文·索博 Kevin Sorbo 饰)见面,但也许是冥冥中嗅到不祥的气息,交谈到一半时茱利亚起身告辞,可是她还没来得及走远便被对方抓住,胁迫着来到这名男子的住所。没错,这个男人正是一系列连环杀人案的始作俑者,他听着美妙的音乐,分外享受每一次杀人的过程,好像这是一门无上的艺术。 只不过此次遇到的女孩似乎有些特别,一次次逃跑,一次次拳打脚踢,在这一过程中,茱利亚心底的暴虐本性慢慢被杀人狂所激活。猎人还是猎物?谁也搞不清楚……©豆瓣



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