

  • 喜剧片甜蜜幼儿园2

    主演:Nora Tschirner Matthias Schweigh?fer Til Schweiger Ken Duken Tom Beck 


    简介:《没有耳朵的兔子2》德文片名原意“两只耳朵的小鸡”,在片中意指“有心,爱情就能成真”,为所有深陷爱情困境的男女,提供了打破僵局的最好解答。《没有耳朵的兔子2》去年底在德国上映时,首周即挤下好莱坞钜片《暮光之城:新月》登上了冠军宝座,单单周末两天票房就疯狂吸金三亿台币,创下了提尔史威格从影以来的最佳成绩,电影上映已超过六个月、迄今仍在上映中……   除了两位男女主角再度同台演出,《没有耳朵的兔子2》还邀请了《最后一次心动》男主角马提亚斯·施维赫夫继续饰演路多的换帖好友,并找来《情键四分钟》德国美艳女星艾蒂妲·玛洛芙西克(Edita Malovcic)巧扮“回锅女友”,就连蒂尔·施威格八岁的可爱女儿爱玛· 施威格(Emma Schweiger)也在片中有更亮眼的演出。   2007年蒂尔·施威格以浪漫喜趣力作《没有耳朵的兔子》撼动了德国影坛,并创下近20年来最辉...

  • 剧情片牧羊人:一只犹太狗的故事

    主演:Ken Duken 奥古斯特·马图洛 列文特·莫尔纳 Lois Robbins 

    导演:Lynn Roth

    简介:  SHEPHERD is based on the award-winning and bestselling Israeli novel, "The Jewish Dog," by Asher Kravitz. Kaleb, a beloved German Shepherd, is separated from his Jewish family when the Nuremberg Laws are enacted in WWII Berlin. He is adopted by an SS Officer who trains him to attack and round up Jews at a concentration camp. Kaleb is well cared for and good at his job until one day when he is distracted by a familiar scent. His original master, a young boy named Joshua, has arrived as a prisoner of the camp. Kaleb has not lost his loyalty to Joshua who finds solace in secretly visiting his dog at night. Joshua's life is at risk. Together they escape the camp and after months of near-death experiences, they are found by partisans who help Joshua make safe passage to Israel.



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